Skills Refresher#

Our GeoSMART hackweeks focus on applied, hands-on learning, with participants engaging in extended periods of small-group work. Our tutorials are designed to offer a broad snapshot of data science tools to support your applied investigations. Due to the relatively short duration of our events, we are not able to provide comprehensive, in-depth training in fundamental tools. Rather, our goal is to inform you about the types of tools we think are best suited to working with your datasets, leaving details of implementation to be supported through peer-learning and office hours.

Expectations for the GeoSMART Hackweek#

Our projects and tutorials will draw from materials covered in a recent University of Washington course titled “Data Science for Earth and Planetary Systems”. Hackweek participants will get the most out of our event if they have some familiarity with the material covered in this class. The curriculum is located in the Machine Learning in the Geosciences Jupyter Book. We encourage everyone to review this material and contact us with any questions For Python, we suggest these resources: Pythia Foundations, Earth Data Science, and the data analysis classes taught at the University of Washington Geospatial Analysis with Python and Data Analysis in Water Sciences.